​Laundry Service Cost for Wash & Fold or Laundry Pickup and Delivery Service

When we created our laundromat prices we made sure that we were affordable and fair.

At our Berkeley location, we have washers that range from 3 load machines to 8 load machines and the prices are $4.00 to $9.75 depending on the size you use. And our dryers start at $. 25 and are $ .25 for an additional 6 minutes.

At our Oakland facility, our machines range from 2 load machines to 8 load machines and the prices are $2.75 to $8.75. Our 30-pound dryers are $.25 for 8 minutes and our 50-pound dryers are $.25 for 7 minutes.

Wash & Fold
Per Pound

**10 lb Minimum Order

Wash & Fold
Per Pound

**10 lb Minimum Order

We also offer pickup and delivery service! This laundry service cost is still to be determined. So come back to check up on our laundry services prices in the future.